Silesian-style Redevelopment, or the New Life of Urban Courtyards

Silesian-style Redevelopment, or the New Life of Urban Courtyards text by Marcin Szczelina   A cyclical action to redevelop the neglected urban courtyards, created by three Silesian designers and implemented since 2013 by the Katowice City of Gardens Institution of Culture, combines good design, permanent transformation of the urban fabric and future users’ authentic involvement…

„helping the kids is the priority” – an interview with Karpiel Steindel Architektura

Last year the studio Karpiel Steindel Architektura donated a tailor-made design of a private house to the Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity), Poland’s biggest charity event that raises money for paediatric care. The studio’s contribution sparked interest among architects and the general public. We talked to Jan Karpiel-Bułecka Jr. to…

Eastern and Central Europe missing from the architectural map of Sarkis.

Eastern and Central Europe missing from the architectural map of Sarkis. Reflections on the Architecture Biennale in Venice. Marcin Szczelina   The majority of reviewers worldwide have hailed the previous edition of Architecture Biennale, chaired by Irish architects Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara, as lacking reflection, banal, and a simply boring overview of the projects.…

Elegant – nowa generacja okien

Elegant – nowa generacja okien PVC nagradzana za design   Materiały Partnera   Nowoczesna architektura potrzebuje rozwiązań szytych na miarę. Bezkompromisowe koncepcje w końcu trzeba zrealizować i w tym miejscu wkraczają producenci materiałów budowlanych, którzy są w stanie odpowiedzieć na wysokie wymagania projektantów i inwestorów. Jednym z nich jest firma Deceuninck, która wprowadziła na rynek…

Poland. Design from a smaller city. Between design, art and business, or what happens outside the mainstream.

Poland. Design from a smaller city.  Between design, art and business, or what happens outside the mainstream.   Anna Ostrowska   The exhibition of design and artistic objects “Kreatywni. Operatywni. Ludzie z energią. Przedmioty z duszą” [“Creative. Entrepreneurs. People with Energy. Objects with Soul”] could be described as a creative energy and an artistic mosaic. The…