Architecture Snob magazine for the seventh time!

Architecture Snob magazine for the seventh time!   The seventh issue of “Architecture Snob” revolves around care and mindfulness in architecture. I understand these concepts primarily as responsibility for one’s actions and conscious planning, considering various contexts: ecological, social, ethical, aesthetic, and pragmatic. The cover story of our magazine, a conversation with Alejandro Aravena, is…

Join the Paradyż Designers International Competition: Using Sintered Stone in Modern Spaces

Join the Paradyż Designers International Competition: Using Sintered Stone in Modern Spaces.   The third edition of the Paradyż Designers competition is now open for submissions with a new international scope. The competition will focus on the use of TRI-D sintered stone to create modern, innovative spaces. This year’s jury will be led by Jürgen Mayer H.,…