Firmitas, utilitas, venustas. How about, amare, passionis, affectum as a bare minimum, Mr. Vitruvius?

Firmitas, utilitas, venustas. How about, amare, passionis, affectum as a bare minimum, Mr. Vitruvius?   Szymon Wojciechowski for Architecture Snob Magazine #2   Was the stern’s Roman intention to see the architecture only as dignified, solemn and respectable and completely undisturbed by fleeting affairs of love? Or did he simply know how much of slave-stonecutter’s sweat and hate had…

Nice Young Architects

“It’s not like we arbitrarily decide to design living rooms open to the garden because people watch less TV nowadays. It’s the needs that determine the project. We try to listen to the customer” – say Przemysław Nowak and Lech Moczulski, owners of the Mili Młodzi Ludzie studio, with whom we talk about Polish interior…

A call to action for the architecture and design communities to support Ukraine.

To The International Architecture Community and Beyond,   As architecture magazines that have always been engaged in social issues, we take action to oppose the Russian invasion of Ukraine and support Ukrainians by all means we have. Killing innocent people, violating human rights, destroying cities and disinformation actions must be stopped by all means. We…