Kamil Domachowski. Keeping the environment unspoiled

Keeping the environment unspoiled    – The idea is crucial for us. We strive to fit the form of the buildings we create into the surroundings,” says Kamil Domachowski. We discuss the importance of local design contexts with the founder of IFA Group.   Fot. Vlad Baranov   Marcin Szczelina: I’m always fascinated by the…

Fernando Menis. The nature of reevaluated architecture.

Fernando Menis. The nature of reevaluated architecture.  Presentation in Madrid of the magazine Architecture Snob. When: May, 4th 2023, 18:00h – 21:00h Where: Madrid, Casa de la Luz de Simón, C. de Sta. Cruz de Marcenado, 1 Registration: free, prior registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fernando-menis-the-nature-of-reevaluated-architecture-tickets-625145606337?fbclid=IwAR2LKisBIirpm3x90H76i4Wg5XHKkC1UzLNWrR7r9ieJ3ozJQ57hJNGEmNI   – A friend of mine likes saying that doctors treat people starting…