
Special Online Issue Available for Free


We proudly present a special issue of our magazine, available online and free for everyone. This unique edition is a hybrid of texts from Architecture Snob, combined with new, original content that will surely captivate our readers. We are finalizing the next issue and preparing numerous changes and surprises that will be revealed soon.



The theme of this issue is courage, which I see as the constant pushing of boundaries in our thinking. In my view, it refers to transforming reality for the better, not only in architecture but also in every other aspect of our individual and collective lives.


When the theme of courage came to mind, I immediately thought of one architect – the subject of our latest cover – Didier Faustino. I first met him several years ago when I was responsible for researching the most interesting figures in the world of architecture for a biennale. His projects became a love at first sight for me. Didier sent me photos of the Opus Incertum prototype, which eventually featured in the Italian pavilion at the main exhibition, marking the beginning of my fascination with his work. It was a refreshing experience – I realized then that architecture should push boundaries, not be art for art’s sake but also draw on the achievements of philosophy, sociology, biology, and other fields that significantly broaden the perspective. This discovery greatly shaped me as a curator and as a person. Today, I can confidently say that architecture is not just the solid structure of buildings but a multidimensional art.


The individuals invited to contribute to this issue also demonstrate that courage makes sense. Although initially, as individuals, we may feel that we can’t achieve much, the power of visionary thinking is so compelling that it attracts others. This significantly shortens the arduous path to real positive changes. Respect for natural resources, greater circularity, offering unique experiences, stunning forms, locality, community building – these are just a few examples.


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In conclusion, I would like to encourage all of us to be brave. I believe that only by pushing boundaries can we better understand and improve the world – with tangible benefits for everyone.


Editor-in-Chief of Architecture Snob

Marcin Szczelina